
Environmental responsibility lies at the heart of my floral business

I’m committed to growing seasonably and sustainably, to keep my impact on the environment to a minimum and to continually work to make my garden a healthy habitat for wildlife. Here are the ways I strive to make Harebell & Bee an envionmentally-responsible business…

In the garden

  • I don’t use pesticides - I encourage wildlife into the garden to control pests, but if pests become overwhelming, I remove them by hand.

  • I don’t use synthetic fertilisers - organic manure, plant-based extracts and home-made compost are the ways I feed the soil.  

  • I use biodegradable gardening materials whenever I can - natural twine, jute netting, bamboo canes, hazel sticks.

  • The garden is full of habitats for wildlife including ponds, a wildflower meadow, stone and wood piles, and the edges of the plot are left unmown and wild.

  • Rainwater and grey water are collected to keep plants irrigated during dry seasons.

  • I’m adding more flowers to the garden that can withstand hot, dry summers in order to reduce water use.

In the greenhouse

  • I avoid single-use plastics. I re-use plastic pots and trays for some of my growing, and if I purchase new pots or trays, they need to be made from recyclable, long-life plastic.

  • I use peat-free seeding and potting soils. In 2022 I started using plastic-free compost from Fertile Fibre - I was so excited to find a compost that’s not packaged in plastic bags!

In the studio

  • I don’t use any preservative chemicals for fresh flowers after harvest - they go into water and that’s all.

  • I dry flowers and grasses naturally, without chemicals or extra heat, and I don’t use perfumes, dyes or bleaches.

  • I prioritise sourcing supplies from vendors who practice sustainability.

  • I use recyclable / re-usable and compostable floristry and packaging materials. I do not use floral foam in any of my designs.

  • Most of the time I use my own flowers for my designs, but I sometimes need extra and I only buy from other British flower farmers, prioritising local growers and those who grow using sustainable practices.

If you have any questions about sustainability at Harebell & Bee, please do get in touch - I’d love to hear from you.